January e-News Arctic Inland

Top Five New Year's Resolutions for Contractors

We all have good intentions Jan. 1, but every year millions of people make and break their New Year's resolutions by February according to numerous surveys. So, what's the key to keeping resolutions? By making them attainable and realistic.

As a contractor, here are five resolutions that will help you set goals and keep you on track to run a successful business this year and for years to come:

1. Launch a new website or update your social media – Whether you have a website or use Facebook or another social media platform to promote your business, make sure you feature lots of great client quotes and photos of impressive projects to showcase your work. You can keep it simple, but effective.

2. Track and follow-up on referrals – This may seem obvious, but you may lose track of your referrals if you don't have a process to capture them. There are various apps you can use to quickly make notes to track leads and referrals and you can add reminders.

3. Save money – Putting money away on a regular basis will help protect you during slower work periods and will help you cover unexpected expenses, like repairing equipment. Even if you but a small amount of money away on a regular basis it will add up.

4. Stay on top of trends in the industry – By learning about new products and trends in the market you can add value to your projects that homeowners will love. So, when the next project comes up, you'll be top of mind with your customers. Visit us today and ask us about the latest trends and products for your next project.

5. Go slow to go further – When contractors rush, mistakes are made. That's why it's worth putting in extra time on a proposal or project. Not only will you produce more quality work, but you also won't have to fix errors later. Your clients will appreciate it!

No matter what goals or resolutions you set for yourself this year, take time to celebrate the small wins along the way.

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